The 13th International Conference on Electronic Commerce
3-5th August 2011, Liverpool, UK


Dr. Ravi Bapna is the Board of Overseers Professor of Information and Decision Sciences Department at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota. He also serves as the Executive Director of the Srini Raju Centre for Information Technology and the Networked Economy (SRITNE) at the Indian School of Business. He teaches graduate students and executives on how to align business and IT for sustainable competitive advantage.

Prior to joining Carlson, Professor Bapna was an Associate Professor and Ackerman Scholar in the Operations and Information Management Department at the School of Business, University of Connecticut. His research interests are in the areas of economics of information systems, online auctions, e-market design, Grid computing, and the design of the IT organization. His research has been extensively published in a wide array of journals such as Management Science, Informs Journal on Computing, Statistical Science, Information Systems Research, Journal of Retailing, MIS Quarterly, Decision Sciences, CACM, Naval Research Logistics, DSS, EJOR and ITM. His views have featured in the Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, India Knowledge at Wharton, The Economic Times and Business Today.

Professor Bapna helped launch and serves on the board of the Accenture Management Development Academy in India. His professional interests have resulted in research, consulting and executive education engagements with companies such as Procter and Gamble, Infosys, General Mills and United Health Group.

Professor Bapna has been invited to present his research at the Federal Trade Commission, Washington DC, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), Google Inc., Bangalore, Carnegie Mellon University, New York University, University of Maryland, IIM-Calcutta, National Chengchi University, Taiwan, University of Washington, National University of Singapore and University of Minnesota among others. ý He served as an assoiate editor for MIS Quarterly and Information Systems Research. He is the co-chair of the prestigious Workshop on Ifnormation Systems Economics (WISE) 2010, and has served as the co-chair of the Confernence on IS and Technology (CIST) 2009. He regularly serves on program committees of major international IS conferences and workshops, and was the co-chair of the First International Symposium of Information Systems held at ISB. He is a member of the Nasscomm Innovation Institute, a think-tank to foster innovation in the Indian IT/ITeS industry.

Important Dates
Submissions due: 12th April 2011
Notification: 20th May 2011
Camera-ready: 2nd July 2011
Conference: 3rd - 5th August 2011

