The 13th International Conference on Electronic Commerce
3-5th August 2011, Liverpool, UK

Call for Papers: Research Papers

Over recent years, developments in the ubiquitous access to the internet (through mobile consumer devices, digital signage and an explosion of services) has led to a continued evolution in the way business is conducted.  Advances in social networks have allowed more sophisticated mechanisms for connecting consumers and goods, whilst increases in wireless technologies have yielded benefits for the supply chain in general.  The Internet offers unique opportunities for individuals, businesses and governments to seek new ways of providing novel services at substantially lower costs.

The International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC) annually brings together the leaders of the scientific research community in e-commerce and e-business from all over the world.  Having travelled across the globe from Austria to Taiwan and Hawaii, the conference returns to Europe, to the historical trading and shipping city of Liverpool, England.  As with previous years, the conference will feature:

  1. invited keynote presentations

  2. panels on topical issues on technology, business and public policy

  3. refereed paper presentations on emerging and continuing research issues

  4. workshops in several thematic tracks

The theme of ICEC'11 is “Mobile and Pervasive Commerce”.  The revolution in mobile devices, from smart phones that allow constant access to the network through evolving 3/4G networks, to tablets and eBook readers has changed the way people consume and exploit data. The notion of pricey, low volume software has been replaced with high volume, low priced, instant access apps that can be bought through an online App-store.  Location-awareness and portability has driven a new demand for context-sensitive apps, and the explosion of entertainment and content delivery services has facilitated new models of commerce. This conference aims to facilitate the dialogues among experts in academic and industries to exchange insights in related issues, and hopefully boost up research momentum across disciplines to contribute to mobile and pervasive commerce  for the e-commerce community. 


  1. Submissions due: 12th April 2011, 23:59 (11:59pm) Hawaii time

  2. Notification: 20th May 2011

  3. Camera-ready: 2nd July 2011

  4. Conference: 3nd - 5th August 2011

Tracks and Topics of Interest

The conference will be organised into several tracks, which focus on the latest developments and innovations in e-commerce in the following areas of interest:

  1. 1.Mobile Commerce: on-the-move payment systems and alternative interaction metaphors that facilitate context aware, geo-spatially relevant services to users in novel environments;

  2. 2.Pervasive Commerce Business Models: systems, principles and policies for supporting pervasive, often mobile trading;

  3. 3.Automated Trading: the use of Auctions, Game Theory and Mechanism Design to support electronic markets;

  4. 4.Agents and Multi-agent Systems: autonomous, intelligent, decentralised systems, that support distributed trading systems;

  5. 5.Energy Trading: the role of e-commerce within Green Information Technology and Social Responsibility;

  6. 6.Recommender Systems, Social Networks / Ethics and Trust: mechanisms that utilise both Web-2.0 and trading data to advise and support consumer choice;

  7. 7.Advertising, Search Engine Optimisation, Keyword Auctions and Marketing: improving the link to the consumer;

Other topic areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

  1. Business Intelligence from Web data

  2. Business-to-business e-commerce

  3. Business-to-consumer e-commerce

  4. Economics of the Internet and information goods

  5. E-government, policy and law

  6. Intellectual property and digital rights management

  7. Mobile and pervasive commerce

  8. Multi-agent systems and electronic markets

  9. Peer-to-peer, grid, and other open distributed systems

  10. Prediction/information markets

  11. Privacy, security and trust

  12. Reputation and recommendation systems

  13. Search and information retrieval for e-commerce

  14. Semantic Web ontologies, rules and services

  15. Social networks and viral marketing

  16. Sponsored Web search

Submission of Abstracts and Papers

Authors are encouraged to submit high-quality research papers describing the latest research and developments in the above-mentioned fields. Submissions encompassing other areas are welcome, but authors are advised to contact program chairs to discuss relevance before submission.  All accepted papers will be published in the ACM digital library, and the best papers will appear within a high-quality Journal special issue, such as Electronic Commerce Research and Applications Journal.

Papers should not have been submitted for review, accepted for publication, or already published elsewhere. All submitted papers will be reviewed on the basis of technical quality, relevance, significance and clarity. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference and present the paper there. 

All research paper submissions must be in English, and should be no longer than 10 pages. Papers that exceed this limit will be rejected without review. Papers must be submitted in PDF, according to the ACM Proceedings Format ( Papers can be submitted via the conference submission site at:
